Prairie Watersheds Climate Program

About the Program


what is pwcp?

The Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP) provides funding incentives to producers who implement any of three eligible beneficial management practices (BMPs) into their operations. To qualify, BMPs must be a new practice or an expansion of an existing practice onto new acres. 

The three BMPs eligible for PWCP funding are cover cropping, nitrogen management, and rotational grazing. There are various practices eligible for funding in each BMP category. See below for more details on eligible practices. 

To assist producers with their adoption of new BMPs, the program offers producers resources to support BMP implementation and provide BMP design recommendations.

Producers may be eligible for up to $75,000 to cover up to 85% of implementation costs (cost share model). Funding limits may vary in each watershed district. Contact your local watershed district for more information. 

The Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP) is led by the Manitoba Association of Watersheds (MAW) and delivered by Manitoba’s Watershed Districts and the Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW).


Why should a producer implement beneficial management practices on their land? 

BMPs have a wide range of benefits to a producer, to the local landscape, and to the environment. These practices can make a farm more resilient to flooding and droughts, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve soil health to name a few. They can even help reduce costs on a farm.

Read this article to see how three local farmers have implemented BMPs on their land and what benefits they have seen so far.  

Eligibility for PWCP Funding


Who is eligible for PWCP funding? 

Any farmer or producer whose land is within the boundaries of a watershed district may apply for funding. 

PWCP is designed to support local agriculture, however not all practices work on all types of land. To be eligible for funds through PWCP the BMPs must be recommended by a professional agrologist or licensed crop advisor.

Need help connecting with an agrology professional? Your local watershed district can help! 


Eligible Practices: Cover Cropping

  • Fall and spring cover crops 

  • Full-season annual and/or perennial cover crops 

  • Planning and technical assessments


Eligible Practices: Rotational Grazing

  • Fencing to support the rotational grazing plan 

  • Watering Systems to support the rotational grazing plan 

  • Improved pasture compositions by seeding legumes such as alfalfa or sainfoin 

  • Creation of a rotational grazing management plan 


Eligible Practices: Nitrogen Management

  • Use of Polymer Coated Urea (PCU) Fertilizer

  • Use of Combined Nitrification and Urease Inhibitors or use of dual inhibitors

  • Agronomic Support for Nitrogen Management Plans

  • Soil Testing

  • Soil Mapping

  • Adding Legumes to crop rotation

  • Upgrading seeder equipment to allow for banding, side dressing or injection of fertilizer

  • Split Application of Fertilizer to improve Nitrogen use

  • Upgrading manure injection and incorporation equipment

  • Offsetting higher cost of synthetic fertilizer substitutes (manure, compost, digestates)

About PWCP Funding

PWCP provides up to $40 million in financial support to support farmers in adopting beneficial management practices (BMPs) that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases as well as provide other environmental benefits such as improved biodiversity and soil health. Activities such as outreach, education, and training are supported to promote the adaption of the BMPs.

Funding has been provided by the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. OFCAF is a $200 million, 3-year fund (from 2021 to 2024) which funds 12 programs (including PWCP).

Visit the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada website to learn more.

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How to Apply for Funding


PWCP is delivered by Manitoba’s Watershed Districts and the Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW).


In Manitoba

Contact your watershed district to learn about eligibility and application process.

If you know the name of your local watershed district you can access district contact information here. 

If you don’t know the name of your local district you can access a district directory here. 

If your municipality is not part of a watershed district contact your local municipal government to ask them how you can support joining a district. 


In Saskatchewan

For more information about accessing program funding in Saskatchewan visit the Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds website or contact:


Phone:  1-306-541-9902

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More Info/Media

Below: Watch a recording of a webinar on PWCP BMPs and Project details for crop advisors, agronomists, agrologists, farmers and producers from Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Prairie Watersheds Climate Program Information Postcard.

General pwcp Inquiries

For more information about the Prairie Watersheds Climate Program please contact:

Dan Cox, Project Manager

Media Inquiries

Please direct all PWCP media inquiries to:

Lynda Nicol, Executive Director
p: (204) 202-7520 ext. 1001 | e:

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Project Supporters

MAW would like to acknowledge the many organizations and individuals who have supported the Prairie Watersheds Climate Program including those listed below.

Communications & Extension Support from:

program delivered by:

program Support from:

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Disclaimer: Program subject to change without notice

Funding for this project has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund.