Central Assiniboine Watershed District & City of Brandon Rain Garden Pilot Program

Written by Neil Zalluski, Manager Central Assiniboine Watershed District

With the City of Brandon partnering with the Central Assiniboine Watershed District program,
formally the Conservation District program, the Watershed District was considering introducing
urban programming. The Central Assiniboine Watershed District believed that implementing
urban programming would be extremely beneficial and benefit the entire Watershed as a
whole. After a discussion with surrounding Watershed Districts with larger urban centers, the
Central Assiniboine Watershed District had the idea to implement urban rain gardens on private
and civic property. The first rain garden was selected in 2016 and construction was completed
during the summer of that year along Patricia Avenue on private land. The second project was
implemented on civic property at the newly renovated Brandon Municipal airport.

The purpose of these projects was to promote the capabilities of the Central Assiniboine
Watershed in an urban center setting. After completing these projects, city staff and council
decided that it was beneficial to implement systems to reduce runoff. The results of the
projects were extremely noticeable especially during mid to large scale water events in which
the reduction of storm water runoff was evident. Following the severe rain events that
occurred in 2019, city staff and council decided that implementing rain gardens in partnership
with the Central Assiniboine Watershed District was undeniably necessary. City Council strongly
believed in the urban programming, and they invested more funds into the rain gardens then
their levy. The partnership program came to life in 2021 and a total of 8 private lot projects
have been completed.

Early in 2021, City Council members allocated funds for a rain garden program to help residents
manage storm water on their property. The City of Brandon partnered with the Central
Assiniboine Watershed District to aide in facilitating and implementing the cities first
Residential Rain Garden Pilot Program. The City was responsible for promoting the program and
pre-screening applicants while the Central Assiniboine Watershed District established criteria,
liaising between homeowners and landscapers.

The program was promoted city-wide within Brandon, Manitoba and 29 applications were
received. After initial site visits and infiltration tests were completed, 8 suitable properties
received a rain garden. All 8 of the suitable properties had a rain garden installed this past fall
2021. Pollinator friendly plants will be planted in spring 2022.

There are tentative plans for 2022 for the city of Brandon and the Central Assiniboine
Watershed District to continue this partnership as it is extremely important and beneficial to
everyone involved.