Watershed District Expansion
The Manitoba government has announced today that they are enhancing core funding by $265,000 to expand three watershed districts including:
Northeast Red Watershed District to include the rural municipalities (RM) of St. Clements, Lac du Bonnet and Reynolds and expand the included area in the RMs of Brokenhead, Ste. Anne, Tache, and Springfield;
Pembina Valley Watershed District to include portions of the RM of Roland; and
Redboine Watershed District to include portions of the RMs of Roland and Macdonald.
The Manitoba government also announced additional investments to support water quality in the province. Read the full press release here.
On behalf of the Northeast Red, Pembina Valley and Redboine Watershed Districts, Manitoba Association of Watersheds would like to welcome the municipalities included in this expansion to the watershed district program.
We are pleased that so many new municipal partners now have access to the incredible programming offered through watershed districts such as Growing Outcomes in Watersheds and Prairie Watersheds Climate Program. These communities will also be able to add to the pool of knowledge that will help shape the future of watershed management in Manitoba.
The watershed district program continues to serve as an example of how local priorities can and should be incorporated into decision making, elevating regional perspectives within the provincial landscape, and how programs can be delivered in a way that directly benefits not only our waterways and landscapes, but our communities as a whole.
We would like to acknowledge the effort the province has made to support Manitoba’s 14 watershed districts, which now represent more than 100 rural municipalities, towns, and cities across the province. For the last several years the province has invested in expansion of the Watershed District Program, and we encourage the province to continue to make funding available for interested municipalities to join. We hope this program continues to expand and include more and more communities throughout the province.
On behalf of all 14 watershed districts, Manitoba Association of Watersheds would like to thank the province for their on-going contributions to the watershed district program. We look forward to working together to deliver valuable programming for landowners and farmers across Manitoba through local watershed district offices.
Watch the press conference below.